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Marc Chagall
Marc Chagall Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise – 1961 Surrealist Oil Painting on Canvas, Religious Artwork
Art Nouveau
Marc Chagall The Creation of Man – 1958 Naïve Art Oil Painting on Canvas, Religious Theme
Marc Chagall Moses Receiving the Tablets of Law – 1952 Naïve Art Religious Oil Painting on Canvas
Marc Chagall Song of Songs II – 1957 Surrealism Religious Painting, Oil on Paper
Marc Chagall King David – 1951 Naïve Art Oil on Canvas, 198 x 133 cm
Marc Chagall Madonna of Village – 1938-1942 Surrealism Oil on Canvas, 102.5 x 98 cm
Marc Chagall The Hebrews Adore the Golden Calf – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache & Oil on Paper, 61 x 48.5 cm
Marc Chagall The Israelites Eating the Passover Lamb – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache & Oil on Paper, 62.5 x 49 cm
Marc Chagall The Israelites Crossing the Red Sea – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache & Oil on Paper, 63 x 46.5 cm
Marc Chagall The Noah’s Sacrifice (Le sacrifice de Noé) – 1932 Naïve Art Gouache and Oil on Paper, 62 x 49.5 cm
Marc Chagall Three Angels Visit Abraham (Les trois anges reçus par Abraham) – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache and Oil on Paper, 62.5 x 49 cm
Marc Chagall The Descent towards Sodom (La descente vers Sodome) – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache and Oil on Paper, 62.7 x 49.1 cm
Marc Chagall Rainbow in the Sky, a Sign of Covenant Between God and Earth (L’Arc en Ciel, signe d’alliance entre Dieu et la Terre) – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache and Oil on Paper, 66.5 x 52 cm
Marc Chagall Rainbow in the Sky, a Sign of Covenant Between God and Earth (L’Arc en Ciel, signe d’alliance entre Dieu et la Terre) – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache and Oil on Paper
Marc Chagall Noah’s Cloak (Le manteau de Noé) – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache and Oil on Paper
Marc Chagall Noah Receives the Order to Build the Ark (Noé reçoit de l’ordre de construire l’Arche) – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache and Oil on Paper
Marc Chagall Noah Lets Go the Dove Through the Window of the Ark (Noé lâche la colombe par la fenêtre de l’Arche) – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache and Oil on Paper
Marc Chagall Moses Spreads the Darkness Over Egypt (Moïse répand les ténèbres sur l’Egypte) – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache and Oil on Paper
Marc Chagall Moses Spreads Death Among the Egyptians (Moïse répand la mort chez les Egyptiens) – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache and Oil on Paper
Marc Chagall Moses Received the Tablets of Law (Moïse reçoit les Tables de la Loi) – 1931 Naïve Art Gouache and Oil on Paper
Marc Chagall Moses is Saved from the Water by Pharaoh’s Daughter – 1931 Naïve Art Religious Gouache and Oil Painting, Private Collection
Marc Chagall Moses and the Striking Rock – 1931 Naïve Art Religious Gouache and Oil Painting, Private Collection
Marc Chagall Moses Breaks the Tablets of Law – 1931 Naïve Art Religious Gouache and Oil Painting, Private Collection
Marc Chagall Miriam Dances – 1931 Naïve Art Religious Gouache and Oil Painting, Private Collection