John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Almina, Daughter of Asher Wertheimer, 1908, Realism Portrait
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Cashmere, c. 1908, Realism Genre Painting
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Conrad and Reine Ormand, 1906, Realist Portrait
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – General Officers of World War I, 1920-1922, Realist Portrait
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Lady Speyer (Leonora von Stosch), 1907, Realism Portrait
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Marble Quarries at Carrara, 1913, Realism Genre Painting
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Mosquito Nets, 1908, Realism Genre Painting
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Newton Phelps Stokes, 1897, Realism Portrait
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Oranges at Corfu, c. 1909, Realism Landscape
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Pomegranates, 1908, Realism Landscape
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Pomegranates, Majorca, 1908, Realism Landscape
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Portrait of Betty Wertheimer, c. 1908, Realism
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Portrait of Francis J. H. Jenkinson, 1915, Realism
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Portrait of Hercules Brabazon Brabazon, 1893-1895, Realism
John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent Oil Painting – Portrait of John D. Rockefeller, 1917, Realism