Explore exquisite oil painting reproductions of Mary Cassatt’s masterpieces at Dafen Village Art Studio. Our skilled artists specialize in hand-painted, high-quality replicas of Cassatt’s iconic works, including The Child’s Bath and Little Girl in a Blue Armchair. Perfect for art collectors, home décor enthusiasts, and lovers of Impressionist art, our affordable Mary Cassatt oil paintings capture the intimate beauty and tender moments of motherhood and childhood. Browse our collection of custom oil paintings and fine art reproductions, bringing the elegance of Cassatt’s work into your space.
1893 Mary Cassatt ‘The Child’s Bath’ – Hand-Painted Japonism Genre Painting Reproduction
Hand-Painted Reproduction of ‘Children in a Garden’ by Mary Cassatt – 1878 Oil on Canvas
Hand-Painted Reproduction of ‘Head of a Young Girl’ by Mary Cassatt – 1876 Oil Portrait
Hand-Painted Reproduction of ‘The Child’s Caress’ by Mary Cassatt – 1890 Oil on Canvas